Sprint 10 Update (Week 1)

Back From Break

Posted by Trent on January 18, 2022 · 4 mins read

And we’re back! Sorry this is coming out quite a bit late everyone, but it’s been a crazy few weeks. We’re back on track now though. So this was the first week of the spring semester and it was also the start of our first sprint since we’d come back. We extended Sprint 9 to last the entirety of break since we knew we’d all be busy and we didn’t want to have to have meetings in the middle of break to figure out more organizational things. So that’s why we’re only 2 sprints ahead of where we left off in December.

In terms of what we’ve actually accomplished, we all took a much needed break for most of break so we didn’t accomplish quite as much as we may have liked to. We did try to get some things done though, mostly things that we’d been wanting to do, but we knew were going to take a while so we couldn’t really do them during a normal sprint without breaking them up a lot. We also did a bunch of bug fixing and made some other smaller changes towards the end of break.

As for art, our artists also took a well-deserved break. So our art progress is a bit lighter this week, but they’re all ready to go for next week, and they’ve already started on new artwork for the coming week.

That’s all for now, so moving onto specific details:


  • Sofia started working on coloring the concept for the player’s mask
  • Sofia also worked on some updates to the basic enemy concept


  • John switched the player’s Finite State Machine from our system to Unity’s animator
  • Nick added a menu for rebinding the game’s controls
  • I switched our controls over to the new control scheme we’d talked about during the break
  • I also implemented chip damage decay
    • So now it doesn’t all just disappear when you stop blocking
  • John fixed a bug with rotation while dodging
  • Kyle fixed some visual bugs with the health bar
  • I fixed some bugs with the parry ability and refactored how some of blocking and parrying works
  • Nick disconnected our block and parry mechanics so parry is now its own button
  • Nick started working on a new settings menu
  • Rudy started working on some custom shaders to make our game look more stylized
  • I started working on switching our sword form menu over to a radial menu


  • I made a new survey for Sprint Retrospective and Review so that it's easier to gather feedback for that


  • Nick updated our controls scheme in the Deisgn Doc

And that’s all for now!