So this week was our first full week back in classes and back up to speed. We made quite a bit of progress this week finishing up the things we’d been working on over break and getting things ready for the first playtest of the spring semester. We also changed a bunch of things with our meeting structure because of new schedules, and we set up new meetings with all of our committee members. So, needless to say, it’s been a busy week.
Our artists continue to amaze, as this week we’ve got more new work from them, all the way from concept art to rigging.
And with that, I’ll continue with detailed notes:
Updated Player Mask Concepts
Updated Player Cape Concepts
- Sofia updated the concept for the player’s mask and worked up a new concept for the player’s cape
- She also updated the concept for our basic enemy again because we wanted to make some more changes to the weapon
- Xy started working on modeling a custom house for the village environment
- Michal made some updates to the player model and rigged it so she can start with animation
- Kesavan started working on a trail for the topaz sword
- Nick had a discussion with one of our committee members about Boss design as we’ve been updating that
- John implemented a backstep animation
- Kyle fixed a bunch of bugs with the health bar
- Nick finished adding a new settings menu for graphics, sound, and some other things and fixed some other UI bugs
- I finished implementing a radial menu for sword switching
- John implemented some basic sound effects like hitting and getting hit
- Kyle also made a bunch of changes to our onboarding system so that its much simpler
- I started working on implementing the sapphire sword’s dash ability
- I also switched our sword and character models to their new versions
- I made some updates to the Production section of the Design Doc
And that’s it for the week. Thanks for hanging in with us folks.